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  • Where do you ship to?
    We ship worldwide. Since we do have to manually add each country, some countries may not be added yet. if you recieve a message that it does not ship to you, please contact us through chat or email and we will resolve the issue.
  • Where are you based? Is there pick up option?
    We are based in Canada. Specfically in the GTA area (Vaughan). Pick up is available, there should be an option at check out for manual payment.
  • Are your crystals real and ethically sourced?
    All crystals are real and correctly labelled to the best of our abilities. Note that there are many crystals and identity can be mixed up very easily as some crystals look the same but we work and research all our products to provide a realiable and trustworthy shop. All our products are correctly labelled. Ethically sourced refers to the conditions, wage, age of workers. We do communicate with our wholesalers and inquire about ethical sourcing but we do not advertise as ethically sourced as we do not mine them ourselves. Please note that in western countries, ethically sourced as been used as a "water down" term. A individual that does not mine it themself should not advertise themselves as ethically sourced. Due to this, we do try our best to ensure our sources but will not advertise ourselves as ethically sourced.
  • Can i buy crystals for non-spiritual reasons?
    Yes. Many people dont buy crystals for their metaphysical properties but for looks and because they simply like them. It is completely upto you and how you would like to use them.
  • How do crystals work?
    Crystals are not magic, they are a part of our earth. They are believed to hold their own properties and vibrations. When we bring crystals into our own energetic field (aura) and use our intentions, we are aligning ourself with its vibration in order to align with our intentions. I would suggest the crystal bible book by judy hall if you would like more information. You can also choose to research online but beware of fake information! books are my go to. Please note, crystals are not a alternative to medicine/medical.
  • What do i do when i recieve my first crystal?
    1. First thing you should do is cleanse it of previous energy (if you think you need to, crystals from lunarrcrystals are cleansed before shipping each other). 2. Set ur intentions (tell your crystal what you want it to do, search its properties and pick something that works best for you) 3. Wear it, hold it, keep it near you as much as you can.
  • What do i do if a crystal breaks/gets lost?
    Often, when a crystal breaks or gets lost, it could mean that it is done its job with you. If it breaks in two or more pieces, you can give the pieces to someone who you think needs it. Of course this is not always the case, it could be simply clumsiness that broke it. Listen to your intuition and whatever best fits you.
  • How often do i need to cleanse/charge?
    Cleansing is not a requirement, i would suggest when you first get it but other than that, its totally upto you! Do not believe sources that tell you that you have to cleanse. You dont! follow your intuition. Personally, i cleanse maybe 1-2 months or when i feel like it has absorbed negative energy.
  • How do i cleanse/charge?
    You can cleanse with incense, bowl of rice/herbs, sound frequencies, singing bowl, candle light, running water. There are many different ways, you can research and choose the best one for you! You can charge in moonlight, selenite plate and moon water. Please note, all crystals are not sun safe and water safe. Please do research. In water some crystals can break overtime and they lose their colour in the sun (do not lose properties)
  • Can any religion use crystals?
    In my personal opinion, yes. Crystals are a part of Earth, if you believe god created earth(referes to whatever higher "power" you believe in), it created the crystals that are the part of earth as well. Of couse this question is totally upto your discretion what you feel best fits you.
  • Are crystals witchcraft?
    No. They are not witchcraft. They can be used in witchcraft but simply owning and working with crystals is not.
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